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Kind Of Cute Popular Fish 1.0
I collect and present 24 species ofornamentalfish article highly favored by fish collectors inIndonesia andmany countries.Some types of fish that was served, I will add more in thefuturewith more interesting fish.
High School Physics Formulas 1.0
Physics is the science or the science ofnaturein the broadest sense. Physics studying natural phenomenathat arenot life or matter within the scope of space and time.Physicists orphysicist studying the behavior and properties ofmatter in verydiverse fields, ranging from submikroskopisparticles that make upall matter (particle physics) to thebehavior of the materialuniverse as a whole cosmos.Some of the properties studied in physics is a trait thatispresent in all existing material systems, such as the lawofconservation of energy. Such properties are often referred toasthe laws of physics. Physics is often referred to as"fundamentalscience", because every other natural sciences(biology, chemistry,geology, and others) studied the types ofmaterial systems thatobey the laws of physics. For example,chemistry is the science ofmolecules and chemicals are formed.Chemical properties of asubstance is determined by the nature ofthe molecule is formed,which can be explained by physics such asquantum mechanics,thermodynamics, and electromagnetics.This article I summarized from various sources page, hopefullyinthe future I will add more material that is simple and easytounderstandThank you